Welcome to Gardena Medical Group

We are dedicated to keeping our community safe & healthy.

We are a Family PACT Provider offering Free Family Planning and Wellness Services to California residents
who are low-income and who have no other source of coverage.

  • Birth Control Services
  • Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) Testing & Treatment
  • Cervical CA Screening (“Pap Smears”)
  • Family Planning Counseling & Education

Dr. Kahen is a trusted and caring physician who has been counseling and treating the community since 2009

Ready to get started?

Complete the form or give us a call today to begin!

After the form is submitted you will receive a call from us to learn more about you and your needs & to complete your booking.
If you need immediate assistance please call us at (424) 414-0041.
If this is a life-threatening emergency please dial 911.

*You must meet all eligibility requirements to receive subsidized or no-cost services.

What is Family Pact?

Learn More About Family Pact & Services

What Is Family PACT?

  • The Family Planning, Access, Care, and Treatment (Family PACT) Program is administered by DHCS’s OFP. Operating since 1997, Family PACT is a comprehensive family planning services program that provides contraceptive and family planning-related services, together with client-centered health education and counseling, at no cost to California’s low-income (under 200% of the federal poverty level) residents of reproductive age.

    Family PACT is designed primarily to assist individuals with a medical necessity for family planning services. For purposes of Family PACT client eligibility determination, medical necessity for family planning services means the ability to become pregnant or cause a pregnancy. The overall goal of the Family PACT Program is to ensure that low-income Californians have access to health information, counseling, and comprehensive family planning services to reduce the likelihood of unintended pregnancy and to maintain optimal reproductive health.

Which Services are Provided?

  • Various birth control methods, including long-acting reversible contraceptives, emergency contraception, and sterilization
  • Family planning counseling and education
  • Sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing & treatment
  • HIV testing
  • Cervical cancer screening
  • Limited fertility services
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We are dedicated to keeping our community safe & healthy

Free Family Planning Health Care - For Eligible Residents

Give us a call or fill out our form to get started!

Do You Qualify?

Learn About Eligibility Requirements

If you are concerned about your eligibility or need help navigating your eligibility, we are here to help! Just give us a call at (424) 414-0041

Am I Eligible?

1. Do you live in California?
You must be a resident of California at the time you apply for Family PACT. When you apply you will need to know which county you live in.

2. Do you have a medical need for family planning?
Family PACT is only for family planning needs. So, if you qualify, you must be able to get pregnant or cause a pregnancy. If you get pregnant, you will not be covered by Family PACT until you give birth, but your provider can check to see if you are eligible for Presumptive Eligibility for Pregnant Women.

For health care needs other than family planning, you may be able to get coverage through the Medi-Cal Program or Covered California. You may also be able to get free breast and cervical cancer screening and diagnostic services through Every Woman Counts. Free prostate cancer treatment services for men with little or no insurance are available through the IMPACT Program.

3. Do you meet the income requirements?
Your income must be at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty income guidelines. This is based on the basic family unit. Who should you count?

  • You
  • Your spouse if you are married or have a common law marriage established in a state where common law marriages are legally recognized; it does not recognize common-law marriages occurring in California
  • Any minor children (by blood, marriage, or adoption) who live in your home
  • If you are claimed as a tax dependent by your spouse or parents, your basic family unit includes you, your spouse if living together, the tax filer and the tax filer’s other tax dependents

Here are the 2024 Income Eligibility Guidelines for the Family PACT Program to help you find out if you qualify. If you are 17 or younger, you are considered a minor. If you are 18 or older, you are considered an adult. In determining eligibility for minors, your parents’ income is excluded. A provider can talk with you more and help you find out your family size.

4. Do you have any other health care plan that covers your family planning needs?
To enroll in Family PACT, you must have no other health care that covers your family planning needs.

If you have other health care including Medi-Cal, you can still enroll and qualify for Family PACT benefits if you meet all the eligibility criteria described under “Client Eligibility Enrollment” and include any of the following conditions:

  • The other health coverage does not cover any contraceptive methods. Seeking a specific method of brand of birth control not offered by their coverage is not a criterion of Family PACT eligibility.
  • If you are a student who has no health care coverage for any contraceptive. Seeking a specific method of brand of birth control not offered by their coverage is not a criterion of Family PACT eligibility.
  • If the other health coverage requires an annual deductible that you are unable to meet on the date of service. Co-payments are not the same as an annual deductible. If you are unable to make your co-payment, this does not make you eligible for Family PACT.
  • If you have a Medi-Cal unmet share of cost on the date of service.
  • If you have limited-scope Medi-Cal that does not cover family planning.
  • You are not able to access contraceptive methods because you are worried your parents, partner or spouse could find out your use for family planning.

What if I don’t want others to find out that I’m using birth control?

You can still enroll in Family PACT, as long as you meet all the other requirements. Signing up for Family PACT is confidential, and so is the care you get. This means that no one has to know about your family planning needs if you don’t want them to. You don’t need anyone’s consent to use Family PACT.

Does it matter how old I am?

It doesn’t matter how old you are. If you are able to get pregnant or cause a pregnancy, you may be able to enroll in Family PACT.

We are dedicated to keeping our community safe & healthy

Free Family Planning Health Care - For Eligible Residents

Give us a call or fill out our form to get started!